Infographic on the usage of Google Analytics Summary: A picture is worth a thousand numbers. Have a look at our infographic that shows who is using Google Analytics.
55.8% of all websites use Google Analytics. That means, roughly speaking, every second click on a link anywhere in the world is monitored by that service. An absolutely stunning achievement from an engineering and marketing point of view. Questionable from a privacy point of view.
The data we collect allow us to do a more detailed analysis on the usage figures. We chose, infographic design & data visualization specialists based in Ireland, to illustrate our data sets in the infographic below.
Equally impressive to the usage figure is the 81.5% market share of Google Analytics amongst the web analytics tools. The distribution by region shows only a few places where other tools have a competitive market position. One of them is China, where services such as CNZZ, Baidu Analytics and are strong and contribute to a relatively low Google Analytics usage of 43.5% in Asia. Another country with popular local services is Russia, where LiveInternet, Yandex.Metrica, Rambler and others are used by many sites. In Germany, where privacy concerns are more pronounced than in most other countries, the self-hosted Piwik has a strong following, and Google Analytics accordingly somewhat less. The world record in Google Analytics usage is held by Macedonia, where it is used by 5 out of 6 websites.
All these figures, and much more, can be found in our Google Analytics Market Report, and in our Traffic Analysis Tools Market Report.

Please note, that all trends and figures mentioned in that article are valid at the time of writing. Our surveys are updated frequently, and these trends and figures are likely to change over time.
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