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Site Info - Wook.ptOverview of web technologies used by Wook.pt. Website Background Livros portugueses, livros estrangeiros, livros escolares e ebooks - WookWOOK – a melhor livraria portuguesa online onde encontra a maior oferta de livros em português, inglês, francês e espanhol. Os manuais escolares adotados em todas as escolas do país e os livros de apoio em todos os anos de escolaridade, com os melhores descontos e a qualidade de serviço reconhecida. automatic translation provided by Microsoft Portuguese books, foreign books, school books and ebooks - WookWOOK – the best Portuguese online bookstore where you will find the largest offer of books in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. The textbooks adopted in all schools in the country and the support books in all years of schooling, with the best discounts and the quality of service recognized. Description on Homepage Top 100k among all websites Popularity rank PHP is a scripting language for creating websites. Java is a general-purpose language originally developed by Sun Microsystems. Java JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented, cross-platform scripting language, often used within web pages. Adobe Flash (by Adobe Systems, formerly Shockwave Flash and Macromedia Flash and now part of Adobe Animate CC) is a multimedia platform for adding animation and interactivity to web pages. Flash jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating and Ajax interaction. Originally developed by John Resig. jQuery Cloudflare Server is a web server developed by Cloudflare. Unix is a range of operating systems originally developed at Bell Labs. This includes Unix and Unix-like systems, such as Linux. Cloudflare provides a content delivery network. Cloudflare Cloudflare provides DNS servers and other web services. GlobalSign is an IT security service provider, also operating as SSL certificate authority. Google Analytics is a free service to get detailed statistics about the visitors of a website, provided by Google. This includes the Ads conversion tracking and the Floodlight services. New Relic is a web application performance management tool. The Google Advertising network consists of AdSense, DoubleClick and other services. The Google Tag Manager is a Google service to support webmasters to manage tags on their websites. Facebook Social Plugins provide a way for Facebook users to share web pages with their friends.
The WhatsApp share button allows users to share content with their WhatsApp contacts.
A Twitter/X Button allows a Twitter user to post a tweet from the visited site.
External Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file. Embedded Cascading Style Sheets define a set of style rules in a <style> element within a web page. Inline Cascading Style Sheets define style rules directly within an (X)HTML element using the style attribute. Gzip (GNU zip) is a file compression algorithm. HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) defines a mechanism enabling web sites to declare themselves accessible only via secure connections. HTTP Strict Transport Security The websites redirects visitors to its www subdomain, e.g. from example.com to www.example.com. The websites redirects visitors to use SSL encryption, e.g. from http://example.com/ to https://example.com/. The Open Graph protocol, originally developed by Facebook, is an RDFa-based format that enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is a method of encoding Linked Data using JSON. Microdata is a specification to integrate metadata within existing content on web pages. Microdata HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard. UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is backwards compatible with ASCII. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a lossless compression image format, suitable to store graphics with uniformly colored areas, and originally introduced as a free, open-source successor of GIF. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression method suitable to store photographic images. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format. Portugal
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