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Site Info - Parlamento.gwOverview of web technologies used by Parlamento.gw. Website Background Página Inicial — ASSEMBLEIA NACIONAL POPULAR1. Qual é o balanço que o senhor presidente faz dos 3 anos desta legislatura? Faço um balanço misto, de positivo, por um lado e perturbado, por outro, dos 3 anos decorridos nesta Legislatura. O Início da IX legislatura correspondia a expressão da esperança que estava acalentada na população guineense e na dinâmica que se pretende para consolidação do Estado de Direito Democrático no nosso país, concluído que fora o período de transição, como se pode facilmente compreender dos factos que vou descrever: • O Presidente da Assembleia Nacional Popular e os demais membros da Mesa, foram eleitos com apenas um voto de abstenção, ou seja conheceram, uma votação esmagadora dos Deputados de todas as sensibilidades parlamentar; • O Governo foi constituído numa base alargada, integrando todos os partidos com assento parlamentar, numa perspectiva de inclusão de todos na tomada de decisões fundamentais para a vida do país, e assim garantir a estabilidade governativa e social; • Os principais instr... Description on Homepage Top 10m among all websites Popularity rank Plone is an open source content management system written in Python on top of the Zope application server. Python is a general-purpose scripting language. JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented, cross-platform scripting language, often used within web pages. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating and Ajax interaction. Originally developed by John Resig. Zope is an open source application server for building websites, based on Python. Gmail is the email service provided by Google. Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority provided by the Internet Security Research Group. IdenTrust is a SSL certificate authority.
External Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file. Embedded Cascading Style Sheets define a set of style rules in a <style> element within a web page. Inline Cascading Style Sheets define style rules directly within an (X)HTML element using the style attribute. Gzip (GNU zip) is a file compression algorithm. A strong ETag is an HTTP header field for validation of cached web pages, that indicates a byte-for-byte identical page in the cache. HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) defines a mechanism enabling web sites to declare themselves accessible only via secure connections. HTTP Strict Transport Security The websites redirects visitors to its www subdomain, e.g. from example.com to www.example.com. The websites redirects visitors to use SSL encryption, e.g. from http://example.com/ to https://example.com/. HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard. UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is backwards compatible with ASCII. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a lossless compression image format, suitable to store graphics with uniformly colored areas, and originally introduced as a free, open-source successor of GIF. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression method suitable to store photographic images. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a lossless compression image format, originally introduced by CompuServe and suitable to store graphics, logos and simple animations. Guinea-Bissau
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