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Site Info - Fosskers.caOverview of web technologies used by Fosskers.ca. Website Background Colin Woodbury - About Description on Homepage Top 100m among all websites Popularity rank Website Quality Alerts Found on page http://fosskers.ca/ We did not find a web page at http://fosskers.ca/, but we found one at https://www.fosskers.ca/. No web page found at non-www url Are you the webmaster of this site? Register as user to get quality alerts per email. Haskell is a purely-functional programming language. Akamai is a content delivery network. This includes the former brands Instart Logic and StackPath. Akamai Namecheap is a US-based domain registrar and web hosting company. Fastmail is a provider of email services. Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority provided by the Internet Security Research Group. External Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file. Inline Cascading Style Sheets define style rules directly within an (X)HTML element using the style attribute. Inline CSS Gzip (GNU zip) is a file compression algorithm. The websites redirects visitors to its www subdomain, e.g. from example.com to www.example.com. The websites redirects visitors to use SSL encryption, e.g. from http://example.com/ to https://example.com/. HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard. UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is backwards compatible with ASCII. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a lossless compression image format, suitable to store graphics with uniformly colored areas, and originally introduced as a free, open-source successor of GIF. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a lossy compression method suitable to store photographic images. Canada
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