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Site Info - Brouwerijmijdrecht.nlOverview of web technologies used by Brouwerijmijdrecht.nl. Website Background Rechthuis Bierbrouwerij – Het Rechthuis Description on Homepage not ranked Popularity rank WordPress is an open source blog publishing and content management system, based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress 6.7.1 Elementor is a WordPress-based website builder. PHP is a scripting language for creating websites. PHP 8.3.16 JavaScript is a lightweight, object-oriented, cross-platform scripting language, often used within web pages. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating and Ajax interaction. Originally developed by John Resig. jQuery 3.7.1 UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing web interfaces. UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing web interfaces. The Apache HTTP Server is an open source web server by the Apache Software Foundation. Apache 2 TransIP is a Dutch web hosting provider owned by team.blue. TransIP Signet is a Dutch web hosting provider owned by team.blue. Microsoft is a multinational technology company headquartered in USA, also offering email services. Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority provided by the Internet Security Research Group. Google Analytics is a free service to get detailed statistics about the visitors of a website, provided by Google. This includes the Ads conversion tracking and the Floodlight services. The Google Advertising network consists of AdSense, DoubleClick and other services. The Google Tag Manager is a Google service to support webmasters to manage tags on their websites. External Cascading Style Sheets define style rules in a separate CSS file. Embedded Cascading Style Sheets define a set of style rules in a <style> element within a web page. Inline Cascading Style Sheets define style rules directly within an (X)HTML element using the style attribute. Persistent cookies with an expiration time of up to 1 day. Non-HttpOnly cookies are used in the HTTP protocol and also in client side scripts, which may be a security threat. Non-secure cookies may be used via an unencrypted connections, which may be a security threat. Gzip (GNU zip) is a file compression algorithm. HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol. Microdata is a specification to integrate metadata within existing content on web pages. HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard. UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is backwards compatible with ASCII. WebP is an image format that provides lossless and lossy compression, developed by Google. Netherlands
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